Tag Archives: Partial Planning

What is Simply Lovely?

Simply Lovely is our Partial Planning package. Sounds a bit strange to partially plan, but it is a very accurate description for the majority of brides and grooms. Couples who have either the majority of their vendors contracted or 1 or 2 of the major vendors (ceremony/reception venue, caterer) and need help finishing up, this is the planning package for them.

Here’s the official description:

You have secured some of your vendors and now desire a professional planner to guide you through the remaining affairs, offer advice and coordinate the logistics of your wedding day.

Visit the Simply Lovely page on our website to view all the services included in the Lovely package.

Here’s your reality check:

Some couples have the luxury of having a family church and/or officiant. Some had the foresight to decide on their location or caterer or photographer well in advance of their engagement. Those things were no brainers for them. Because of these things, they thought they were well on top of their planning. That was until…they realized there were a lot more services/vendors and details that they had no clue about.

Having a professional wedding planner/consultant on hand to step in make your planning path smooth when it becomes rocky is pure peace of mind.

If you want to find out more about our Simply Lovely Partial Planning Package, please visit Simply Beautiful Concepts on the web or give us a call at 240.565.5103.